By musicfan
2012年2月11日 (二)
(何謂為情人節所苦? 單身的時候要想盡辦法裝神秘,不讓別人知道自己的行蹤,好像有約會一樣。有心儀對象或有男/女朋友的時候,要為送禮或安排活動絞盡腦汁。怎麼,我說到你心坎裡了嗎?)
身邊的情人也已改稱為老婆(情人總是老的好,這句是一定要寫的,不然會被打 XD)
單 戀
98 - why (are we still friends)
Lemar - someone should tell you
Victoria Banks - come on
暗 戀
Mandy Moore - crush
Taylor Swift - teardrops on my guitar
Taylor Swift - you belong with me
苦 戀
D.H.T. - I go crazy
Jordan Knight - where is your heart tonight
Lady Antebellum - need you now
告 白
Daniel Bedingfield - if you are not the one
Jake Owen - don't think I can't love you
Thompson Square - are you gonna kiss me or not
熱 戀
Bruno Mars - just the way you are
Jewel - stay here forever